Cloud Computing is one of the Most Used Technologies in the 21st century. So let's get a deep understanding of What made Cloud Computing so famous and why everyone is behind mastering this skill. This will be Long Series With Basic to Advance levels Cloud Computing Skills. We will also learn about Cloud computing service providers as AWS etc.
Cloud Computing in a Nutshell.
The on Deman delivery of System resources Both Hardware and software, IT infrastructure with "pay as you go" prices which are essentials for a business application is known as Cloud Computing. The Cloud Basically Means the Virtual Infrastructure and Resources which you are getting from your Cloud computing Service provider. Here the Hardware Resources mean the components like computers, processing power, memory, Database management systems, etc they also provide Software applications that are used to handle the resources with just one click. We have covered in-depth Cloud computing In this Article What Is Cloud Computing.
How is Cloud Computing Better Than Traditional Computing?
Traditional Computing refers to having On-demand resources and computing infrastructure. Let's consider a scenario where we need to start a business, so we have to buy the infrastructure first. This is done by calculating the no of resources, processing powers, and all other factors, then we order them. As the resources are huge we need to wait weeks till they are delivered to us, Then we need to assemble them in a warehouse or datacenter with all proper cooling and power supply. Our job doesn't end here if there is some disaster or power outage then it will be a real issue for the business, Another issue can be having fewer resources than the actual usage, or there are also data centers which huge infrastructure but no usage.
This process seems very time taking, unaffordable, and outdated. That's where Cloud Computing comes into the picture. Let's do the same process in a cloud computing platform, First, we need to create an account, choose a plan and the resources we need to uses, initialize the resources with just a few clicks and there you go you are all setuped for running a business. That's how Simple is cloud Computing than the traditional Computing
The Major Benefits of using Cloud Computing are:
- Cost Saving with "pay as you go" pricing.
- Fully Flexible and Customizable
- No Risks and Disaster management Issues.
- High Security than traditional Computing
- High Availability almost 24/7
- User Friendly and Very Fast Setup
- Efficient usage of Infrastructure and resoruces