Types Of Cloud Computing | All You Need to Know

Types Of Cloud Computing | All You Need to Know

Cloud Computing can be Classified on the basics of the deployment methods and the Computing models types used in it. Let's see in detail about the Deployment Models in this article

If you Are new to Cloud Computing then Check out our last article on Cloud Computing in which there is detailed information about what is Cloud computing and Popular Cloud Service, providers here.

Types Of Cloud Computing

We can classify the types based on Deployment and Compute models. 

Cloud Deployment model tells how the Resoruces and engines are deployed. It tells about the infrastructure of the model. Who can manage it, How can we change the engines and, etc. who can access the resources, etc. We can use Different deployment models based on our needs. This can be understood by a simple example, assume you made a blog then the deployment of a blog can be in different ways like you can only access the blog or all the students in your school or college can access it or even it can be accessed from anywhere from the world. So there are basically 4 Deployment models Private, Public, Hybrid, and Community Cloud.

Whenever we need to deploy a cloud computing platform we need to decide which type of deployment is needed because it may affect the control of the resoruces and even the accessibility.

1. Private Cloud

In a private Cloud, others cannot access the resources only you have access to them. The cloud is isolated from the internet and other clusters. When you consult a cloud service provider for a private cloud they will make the resources isolated from others and only available to you. A simple exam can be like running a Website for the no of users in a shop etc which can be only accessed by the shopkeeper. Private Cloud doesn't provide any advantages of cloud computing. The private cloud uses Virtualization for combining different resources. Learn more about Virtualization here.  All the Data centers have their own Private cloud To watch and monitor their internal resources.

The Major Disadvantages of Private cloud are that the organization is needed to maintain the whole infrastructure the cloud service provider only provides the resoruces managing and handling has to be done by ourselves. And a private cloud may not be available for other users that's the reason it's the least used deployment model most of them use the hybrid cloud if they want private cloud properties.

2. Public Cloud

Public Cloud is the most popular and used cloud deployment model. In this deployment model, you get all the advantages of cloud computing such as scalability, Integrity, Availability, etc. When people talk about Cloud Computing most of them think about the public cloud. This is the most used nowadays because in this you don't own any of the resources or the engines everything is managed by the cloud service provider. You should just "Pay As you Go" or you should only pay for the resources which you are using. You can also increase and decrease the no of resources just by simple commands. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud are some popular public cloud service providers. We can also install huge hardware resoruces and don't even need to worry about maintenance. A popular example is a Webhosting who gives the resoruces for running a website.

The major Disadvantages of the public cloud are Privacy issues and low control opportunities. All the maintenance is handled by the cloud service provider and not by the user if they want to know how the resources are allocated it might be hard. There is no data privacy the resources are wide open and not isolated as the private cloud.

3. Hybrid Cloud

The Disadvantages of both public and private cloud are cleared in the Hybrid cloud. It is the mixture or combination of public and private cloud. It is the 2nd most used cloud deployment method. We see that in the private cloud others cant access the resoruces and in the public cloud there is no data privacy all the resoruces are open to others. In hybrid we can have both public and private cloud the data which needs to be private can be deployed in a private and only some users can access it and other data can be deployed in the public cloud which is accessible for everyone. A simple example is a bank all the user account details and balances can be accessed from anywhere and all the private data about the data and loans details can only be accessed by the employees or system admins. The hybrid cloud has 2 networks private and public networks and both interact with each other.

There are no major disadvantages of hybrid cloud the only disadvantage is maintaining both public and private networks. The private network needs to be properly isolated from the public network and only specific users can access the private network. Security is a major concern here. The deployment of a hybrid cloud is also somewhat complicated compared to others.

4. Community Cloud

A Community cloud is also a type of private cloud but only a few organizations can access it example there is a bank cloud and only all the banks can access the cloud. And others may not even know that there is a cloud for the organization. It is only available to the organization in the community and more than one organization in the community can use it. So it is basically not a private and a public cloud. It provides security, privacy to resoruces. But it doesn't provide some of the cloud computing benefits.

The major disadvantage of community is its not cost-effective as it has the features of all public and private and most of the organizations cannot afford for community cloud. Making the cloud accessible to all the community organizations and making it isolated from the outside network at a time may be difficult. 

So these are the Four main Cloud Deployment models. There are also different cloud computing models which we shall see in the next article.


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